Ten questions for Letslace


What inspired you to create a lace blog?

A lifelong interest in lace and a desire to share with, and learn from lace lovers around the world.

What is your blog about?

Lace, lace and more lace. Especially about making bobbin lace. It is about sharing, paying it forward, and learning more about lace in the process.

Is your focus on beginners or more advanced lacemakers?

Both and more. It is for all lace lovers and lacemakers.

What do you aim to cover?

The basics of bobbin lace, sharing my lacemaking journey and what I have learnt. I hope to chronicle all my lace adventures and misadventures. I also hope to cover how to nurture your interest in lacemaking, how to start making bobbin lace, a bit about tips and techniques, some tutorials for beginners, lace resources, lace happenings, and sharing the stories of other lacemakers.

What do you hope to achieve?

I would love to inspire a new generation of lacemakers to discover the joy of making bobbin lace, and to learn more in the process.

How regularly will you post?

I am a Sunday blogger – as I have a busy professional career. So I’ll aim to post every Sunday.

Other social media links?

Yes, to start with there will be Pinterest, but I hope to have links to Facebook and Instagram in future.

Will your blog include video tutorials?

I am a beginner blogger and am still finding my blogging feet.

Once I have mastered the fabulous Word Press blogging platform, I plan to have bobbin lace tutorials for beginners.

What about other resources for lacemakers?

Yes, I would love to share links to sites and resources that I use or that I find inspirational to learn more about bobbin lace.

An option to interact with other lacemakers?

Again, once I find my blogging feet, and time permits, I would love to have an interactive blog.

7 thoughts

  1. Awesome! I am a bobbin lace lover, well o call it my addiction! My name is Milagros, I live in USA but I learned bobbin lace in Puerto Rico, where they have lots of groups meetings every week to learn and enjoying the company of each other. Even though I startedwit bobbin lace just 2 1/2 years ago it is my passion! Thanks for taking your time to do this blog, I will enjoy it!

  2. Hi there, I am a new lacemaker from Auckland and look forward to reading your blog as it gets updated. I am interested in trying to figure out different cotton thicknesses as they confuse me! I potter along doing Torchon and really enjoying it. Glad I found you!

    1. Hi Tracey! Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog. It would be lovely if you came along to the next Bridge Lacemakers meeting in Auckland on 27 Feb. If you PM me your email address on Facebook I will send you a list of all the meeting dates/venue details etc. I have found Brenda Paternoster’s book ‘Threads for Lace’ very useful. It has taught me a lot about how to select the appropriate thread.

  3. I would love to sign up for your weekly email but cannot find the “follow” button you mention. This may be because I access your blog on my smartphone. Is there any other way I can sign up please?

    1. Hi Allison

      The WordPress Follow button is in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. However, it is a ‘floating’ button, and not a stationary button. Scroll as far down as you possibly can and you should be able to see it. I have had a look on my desktop computer, laptop, tablet and mobile and if I scroll down to the bottom it gives me the option to click on a floating Follow button. I checked the WordPress help pages to see whether I am able to add email followers myself, but unfortunately there is no ability to do so (I assume this is to prevent bloggers from adding people to their mailing lists against their will!) I hope that works for you. Every time I publish a new blog post I also share a link on the Letslace Facebook page, so you would be able to access it that way too. Thanks for stopping by!

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